Welcome in Walschbronn

The Calvary

Turn right onto rue des Jardins until the intersection.

Le calvaire à l'angle de la rue de la Montagne et la rue des Jardins
The calvary at the corner of rue de la Montagne and rue des Jardins.

This sandstone cross from the first half of the 19th century, which stood at the side of the road, has been moved against the house at the corner of Rue de la Montagne and Rue des Jardins. It shows, along with Christ on the cross, the Virgin and St. John (both often represented together at the foot of the Cross), plus St. Peter and an unidentified saint (perhaps Paul). At the base is written " Dieses Kreuz ist aufgericht worden zum lob Gottes  ". You will find many calvaries in the country of Bitche: it was customary for families to have them built in gratitude for various favors.