Welcome in Walschbronn
The Gorgon and the location of the bathhouse
Take a left on the main road to the restaurant and look up at the red house on the corner on the right.

This sculpture on the house at the corner of Rue du Château, known as the Gorgon, is a mythological creature with the power to turn those who look at it into stone. It traditionally has a prophylactic value (which prevents illness). This one, which is reminiscent of the human head on the church tower, seems to date from the second half of the last century.
Walschbronn was once known for its white petroleum spring and its bathhouse, both of which have been forgotten. The 1758 Atlas of the county of Bitche and the 1756 memorandum of the secretary of the Royal College of Physicians of Nancy make it possible to locate the old bituminous water baths here.
" During the lifetime of the late Count Jacques, the well [and the] large house... in which we used to bathe, were allowed to be ruined "
To find out more about the famous baths and the bituminous water source, visit the castle...